Changing my idea
This week the inevitable happened as the country was plunged into a second lockdown. This means that unless I want to leave my project...
This week the inevitable happened as the country was plunged into a second lockdown. This means that unless I want to leave my project...
After starting to work on Sam's screenplay I started thinking about my own short film and what I could do. I already had an idea that I...
After the first week I felt like I had a good idea of where I was going and after getting Sam on board as an editor I was confident of...
Today I took the screen skills course on how to stay safe on set with all the new changes that have been put in place due to coronavirus....
Since I have started my third year of university at a different university to where I did my previous two years (As I did a foundation...
Over the last two years I have worked hard on both the production and distribution areas of my work. When I started the course I hadn't...
I decided to start with general cinematographers in case study 2 as often less well known freelance cinematographers cover a range of...
For my second case study I wanted to look at a range of different cinematographers and how they promote themselves, since music is my...
Bristol media- Bristol media are a local media company that work to bring together Bristol media to promote the creative work that is...
Instagram differs from other social media sites and its content is almost all photo and video based, Instagram is also the second most...
Data mining is when businesses look to gain and store the personal information of potential customers. This is done for a few reasons it...
LinkedIn is a social media site created exclusively to give businesses a way to connect with potential clients and connect with other...
As of the end of last year YouTube has 2 billion logged in monthly users and on average YouTube users spend 11 minuets and 24 seconds per...
Arguably the biggest social media platform, Facebook has 2.5 Billion visitors every month meaning it would seem like the perfect place...
Due to the virus getting significantly worse as a class we are no longer able to hold an exhibition therefore we are instead going to...
Full Evaluative Essay: Final draft of...
My project has been up on various social media sites for a week now and I had hoped that this would be a good amount of time for people...
In my last post I spoke about how I had basically given up with trying to make my piece view able on phones and I was feeling...
After looking at my piece again I have found a couple of smaller issues that needed fixing. The first issue was that my mums video was...
Over the past week I have been trying to correct the issues that had been noticed following my release of the first draft. I had my fully...