After starting to work on Sam's screenplay I started thinking about my own short film and what I could do. I already had an idea that I was ready to pitch that involved a two characters relationship developing but with a feeling that there is always a third person in the relationship. That person would be the depression of the male character represented through an actual character but only the guy who's suffering with this depression and the audience can see. I was quite set on this idea but after thinking about it for a while it felt like a feature film idea and since I have started to screenwriting one of the big things you get told is that you can't squeeze a feature film idea down into a short film it just never works. This got me thinking about limitations I could put on myself to keep my ideas more contained and I thought about making a short film that is just set in one location with a max of two characters.
(Original Pitch)
I started doing some research and watching a number of one location short films and found this site (see below) that has three really well made one location short films. The second one on that site really inspired me, it plays on audience expectation and although at the start it seems like a serious drama once the conversation between the characters starts unravelling it become clear that the film is a comedy. This got me thinking about about how I could create a plot that was just built around one conversation and how I could create a film that was both interesting to watch and unique while doing that. Coming up with an idea took was difficult and I still feel the idea I am working on has been done a lot before but if I can't come up with a more original idea I still feel like I can at least present this plot in a way that is more unique to me as a film maker. My idea is to make almost a satire based on the idea of a daughter character coming out to her mother. I want the characters to have not met up for a while and for the mother character to be very stereotypically camp and then the film will be about the daughter trying to tell her mother this big secret. Eventually once I have built the tension enough I then want the daughter to come out and say she is straight to which the mother starts telling her all the bad things about being straight. I am hoping my idea can seem like a drama at the start but then turn into a comedy much like that film that inspired me (A Personal Request). My next steps are to start really getting to know my characters and to start writing out some tension building dialogue. (Second short on this site is A Personal Request)