Today I took the screen skills course on how to stay safe on set with all the new changes that have been put in place due to coronavirus. The course looked in depth at all the new procedures that have been put in place and although I did know a lot of it there was some new information there and I found it useful to clarify my knowledge of the new safety procedures. When we start thinking about which script we are going to look to produce (this weekend) we need to more so than ever consider how viable each scene is. There are a lot of new restrictions in place for example you can only have three people at any one time in the university's studio which makes things difficult. If feel the majority of both of my scripts can be done safely however when we start putting the shooting script together we might realise it's not quite as easy as I am thinking it is going to be. At the moment our main focus is just keeping our production group small as even outside we are only allowed to have up to 6 people max in any small space, so we keep hopefully keep our production group down to 3 people then that allows us to work safely with three actors as well. I am confident that with three crew members and three actors we can create a really good quality production but also a safe production.
New safety in the workplace