Over the last two years I have worked hard on both the production and distribution areas of my work. When I started the course I hadn't been apart of my many projects and so did't have any work to promote. I feel over the past two years the standard of my work has come a long way this has enabled me to feel confident enough to start promoting my work and finding out ways to do that. I have found social media really useful for promoting my work and have been able to find multiple clients just by sharing my work around on social media and getting it noticed. My big success when it comes to promotion was when I lost my client for the first submission of this year and just when time was starting to run out I posted in a local music Facebook group which ended up getting me Twenty-Five clients and I was only looking for one. This success has really boosted my confidence when it comes to promotion as it proved to me that locally there are people looking for cinematographers and that I could actually do this as a full time job one day. That being said however one of the things my research has taught me is that where I am based and weather I can travel or not will affect how many clients I get as well as what profile of clients I can get. A good example of this is one of my University teachers, he has a videography business himself and achieves a high standard of work. Despite having become well known in the local area for putting out good work he still wouldn't be able to live off of what he makes from his business because he cant get high profile clients consistently enough. The answer to that is to move to a city with more opportunities but once you have settled down and have responsibility it is harder to do that. I also do not currently drive which has proven an issue when clients are slightly further out or are at a location where the busses don't go to. After taking all this into consideration I have decided to do a third year of uni to get my full degree and this will mean moving to Plymouth. Not only will this give me the full qualification but it also gives me a year to start establishing my self and my business in a city so that after uni hopefully I will already have the start of a client base in an area with endless possibility's when it comes to business. As for travelling I have been saving money to learn to drive but due to the virus it may have to be next summer that I now learn to drive but it is still a priority on my things to do list when I find the time. Overall I have learnt a lot over the last two year and I am looking forward to continuing my studies and hopefully getting my full degree when the next academic year comes along.
Exhibition Evaluation/Future Plans