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Making the piece phone compatible


Updated: May 1, 2020

In my last post I spoke about how I had basically given up with trying to make my piece view able on phones and I was feeling disappointed as this would make it difficult for me to distribute my piece. The main issue I was having was that you can only watch one video at a time on a phone and I felt I had exhausted all my options when it comes to making my piece viewable on phones. I went to my teacher and explained the issues I was having and he mentioned that I could actually do a multi cam edit which would involve editing all nine videos down into one. At first I was sceptical as to weather I would be able to do this as my pc cant play nine videos at once let alone process nine videos at once. I stuck with the idea though as if I could make it work this would be the answer to my problem and make my piece watchable on phones. Not only is my pc not the highest end model but I also only have amateur level editing software at home but actually with only a bit of lag in between making the changes my pc managed the edit well. As well as processing issues I was also worried that compressing nine videos down into one might lower their quality which temporarily it did however once I exported the finished product in full HD each video went back to its original quality. I am much happier now that my piece can be accessed by phones users as I feels this is a huge market for a video project like this one.

The first person I showed the phone compatible piece to was my teacher and he said that although the visual element is looking really good the audio has been boosted due to the compression and this makes hearing the individual elements difficult. I am going to have to look at the audio levels for each clip before I release the finished product but at the same time the piece still needs to be overwhelming as that is the whole point of the project. Another thing he mentioned was that the text in the middle video isn't really necessary anymore and following on from that I have realised that the way the project works now takes all of the interactivity. This can't really be helped though so I might look at taking the text out of the middle clip on the mobile version because I also have the full version that works as the piece was intended to on website of its own now so the viewer will have two options and how to watch the piece. Aside from those changes I have been chasing Mark and said the I need his video by the end of the week and I intend to replace my mums video with his as this then saves her re recording her piece in landscape instead of the current portrait format. If Mark doesn't get his video to me in time I can still get mum to to re record her video in landscape so there are no issues there.

As the piece is slowly getting to a point where it is finished completely with only those few small changes needed to be made I have decided to release the project in its current state in order to get feedback. I have two weeks until the deadline for this project and I want to give people enough time to be able to watch the piece and fill out the survey and as well as that also give myself a week to write up the results of the survey and write the evaluative essay. As you can see below I have posted the video to my own company Facebook page, my personal Facebook story and put the video onto you tube.

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