As of the end of last year YouTube has 2 billion logged in monthly users and on average YouTube users spend 11 minuets and 24 seconds per day on the platform. That being said however YouTube has 500 hours of video content uploaded to it ever minuet meaning making getting your work noticed on the site can be really difficult. As well as this 70% of what people watch has been recommended to them via the YouTube algorithm so having things like click bait video titles and filling the description box with tags is often the way to get noticed however it does make your brand look less professional to potential clients. As well as this the top 10% most popular videos on the site draw 79% of the total viewing hours of all the videos on the site again showing that the site isn't necessarily the best place to promote a business however it could be used as a platform to share the videos I make to so that they are then online and then from there copy the url of the videos over to other social media sites.
The amount of content viewed via connected TVs has risen by 39% so it is important to keep the scale of the videos I upload in mind so they don't become pixalted when viewed on different screens. Over 70% of the content on YouTube is viewed on mobile devices so its important to make sure my videos can be watched in the best quality on both smaller and bigger screens. That being said however relevance to personal interest is 1.6x more important than production value making the site great for smaller businesses like mine to potentially connect with industry professionals and getting feedback that being said you would need to build an audience before you would be able to reach professionals with your content. This is backed up by the fact that 70% more YouTube users are engaging with creators and channels meaning that although it can be difficult to gain a following once you have the following you often get people who are loyal and interact with you and give you feedback on your content.
Much like Facebook YouTube offers a paying advertising system where anyone can pay to promote their business. Much like Facebook you start an advertising campaign and as YouTube is mainly video based you create a 15-30 second video advert and then there are a few ways YouTube will distribute that advert to make sure people see it. The way a YouTube advertising campaign works is you make the advert and you then set goals and targets for how many people you want that advert to reach and unlike Facebook YouTube only charge you once someone watched 30 seconds of your advert you can make a longer advert but YouTube will charge after someone watches the first 30 seconds. These are the 6 ways YouTube promote the adverts
Skippable in stream ads-
When should I use this ad format?
Use skippable in-stream ads when you have video content that you'd like to promote before, during or after other videos on YouTube and across websites and apps running on Google video partners.
How does the ad format work?
Skippable in-stream ads play before, during or after other videos. After five seconds, the viewer has the option to skip the ad.
Non skippable in stream ads-
When should I use this ad format?
Use non-skippable in-stream ads when you have video content that you'd like to promote before, during or after other videos on YouTube and across websites and apps running on Google video partners and you want viewers to see the entire message without skipping your video.
How does the ad format work?
Non-skippable in-stream ads are 15 seconds (or shorter) and play before, during or after other videos. Viewers don't have the option to skip the ad.
Video discovery ads-
When should I use this ad format?
Use video discovery ads to promote video content in places of discovery, including next to related YouTube videos, as part of a YouTube search result or on the YouTube mobile homepage.
How does the ad format work?
Video discovery ads consist of a thumbnail image from your video with some text. While the exact size and appearance of the ad may vary depending on where it appears, video discovery ads always invite people to click to watch the video. The video then plays on the YouTube watch or channel page.
Where does the ad format appear?
Video discovery ads appear:
On YouTube search results
Alongside related YouTube videos
On the YouTube mobile home page
Bumper ads-
When should I use this ad format?
Use bumper ads when you want to reach viewers broadly with a short, memorable message.
How does the ad format work?
Bumper ads are six seconds (or shorter) and play before, during or after another video. Viewers don't have the option to skip the ad.
Outstream ads-
When should I use this ad format?
Use outstream ads when you want to expand the reach of your video ads on mobile, helping you reach more customers.
How does the ad format work?
Outstream ads begin playing with the sound off. Viewers can tap the ad to unmute the video. Outstream ads are designed to increase your video reach at an efficient cost.
Masthead ads-
When should I use this ad format?
Use this format when you want to drive awareness for a new product service or launch or reach a massive audience in a short period of time (for example, a sales event).
Various company's have had success using YouTube payed for advertising for example LSTN headphones. LSTN headphones are a small American company that sell headphones with the aim being that a cut of the profit goes to helping fund and spread awareness of hearing loss. The company uses YouTube to promote and sell their product that has now helped over 20,000 people with hearing loss. I did however find this story on the success stories section of YouTube's advertising page so of course it doesn't tell you about any struggles the company had but I will be doing some more in depth research into company's that are more media based and have less of an agenda.
I have found Youtube to be the best place to upload video content to as they have an easy uploading process and it is quick and easy to share uploaded content on mulitple social media platforms.
Cooper, P (2019) 23 Youtube statistics that matter to marketers in 2020, Available at: (Accessed: 29th April 2020)
About video ad formats - Google Ads Help (2020). Available at:!o3~EAIaIQobChMI-NbHhPqN6QIVVu3tCh2WtQlvEAAYASAAEgJ_B_D_BwE~%7Badgroup%7D~kwd-24815532313~1703464968~378138471836&_ga=2.33989921.1066434592.1588174234-2109881337.1588174234&_gac=1.44901136.1588174255.EAIaIQobChMI-NbHhPqN6QIVVu3tCh2WtQlvEAAYASAAEgJ_B_D_BwE (Accessed: 29 April 2020).
Youtube Ads (2020) LSTN headphones – YouTube Advertising (2020). Available at:!o3~EAIaIQobChMIt6HerP-N6QIVwrTtCh3IOgFsEAAYASAAEgIug_D_BwE~%7Badgroup%7D~kwd-5020163164~1703464968~429250165823 (Accessed: 1 May 2020).