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First Meeting


Since I have started my third year of university at a different university to where I did my previous two years (As I did a foundation degree) I had thought it might be difficult to try and integrated myself with the other people who had at this point all been together for two years. Thankfully however I got talking to another student (Alex) who is just coming into the third year and we had a brief online discussion just talking about what films we like and what our focuses are for the year. Like me he prefers classic cinema (films like Citizen Kane and Bonnie and Clyde etc...) over the films that are popular today like the marvel movies and we discussed how in our own work we like to focus on building in depth characters within small worlds to maximise the emotion in our films. Neither of us are big fans of films that use lots of CGI or SFX and in our own films like to focus on creating something that feels more real. After our brief first conversation we had some more conversations online and throughout our first production lecture on Friday we talked about what liked and what we disliked in the short films that were being shown. Over the summer I had been working on a short film script about a couple who find each other at a point in their lives where they are both struggling but for different reasons. I had initially started working on it just for fun but being that I had now finished the first draft I thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback on it. I sent it over to Alex to see what he thought of my writing and how I like to tell stories and he said that he liked it and felt that the characters were engaging. This started us on the path of talking about what films we wanted to make this year and Alex wanted to make a piece of work that he felt proud of which when I hear that from someone makes me feel confident that they are going to be reliable to work with which if I am honest is probably the most important thing when you are working in groups.

At this point we decided it would be good to meet in person and just run through some ideas and just generally get to know each other a bit better. We spoke about how the whole situation with COVID-19 makes film making really difficult and that whatever project we choose to work on we need to make sure we can produce it in an as safe as possible way. We discussed the script I had sent over to him and I also explained that I had started working on another script that was about a guy struggling to find work and provide for his family in lockdown. He liked my other idea as well but as I am writing I am finding that I don't personally think it is as good or as make able in a safe way as my first script. The other thing we spoke about was our strengths and weaknesses as film makers and how we really need to try and keep our production team small because we have to keep to the rule of 6 and with actors that makes things difficult. We both came to the conclusion that our main weaknesses between us are our editing skills so in the lecture next week we are hoping we can get someone who specialises in editing to join our production group. We then plan to meet up next weekend and decide which of my scripts we think is best then that will allow us to start working on turning the reading script into a shooting script.

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