I have been in contact with Griever and they have said that they would like a live music video and for it to be filmed at one of the gigs on their upcoming tour. We discussed some ideas (see below) and we have been able to work out that if I do a good job on this live music video they would be interested in also making another music video but this time a narrative one.
I have since asked around for some help on the shoot to cover more angles and I have been able to get another person who has their own camera to help out. My lecturer has also shown me how go pros can be really useful for live music shoots to have on the stage so we are going to rent one of those from uni as well. We have also selected the Plymouth date on the tour as it’s the most accessible for us and this will be on Saturday the 26th October at 7:30 at the underground nightclub. We are now looking to organise some test shoots using some of the music students but at the moment this is a work in progress.