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First Draft Evaluation


Updated: Feb 27, 2020

I have almost finished editing my music video and as with any project I have both learnt things that I need to improve on and and improved on things from previous projects. Something that I think has gone really well with this edit is my use of transitions and slowing down/speeding up footage. I often shy away from using too many effects and transitions but what this project has taught me is that if the project is planned thoroughly they can really help pull the edit together. When I did A levels i used to drown my projects in transitions but then coming to uni I was taught not to use them at all really but I personally feel this project shows that they definitely have their place if used appropriately. I wanted this music video to be quite slow with almost seamless cuts to represent the relaxing feel that Sharon's music gives off. Planning in the transitions/effects at the story boarding stages allowed me to not only have effects that are in the right places and not over used but also to save time as it was one less thing to think about while editing. I do however appreciate that in future projects it may not be possible to plan things out so extensively as I may not have the time or it may not be a project where this can be done. In that situation I wouldn't have a choice but to think about where the effects belong once I have started editing but overall this project has helped me learn the importance of extensive planning.

Carrying on from that positive about my planning, as some plans started to change I forgot to write the changes down meaning once I got to the editing stages I felt I was lacking in footage. This whole project ended up having a month gap between having all the research completed and being ready to film to then actually filming, this was due to having issues finding the right locations. I was so busy working with my client on finding locations though that I forgot to keep changing my storyboard as the locations were changing and this lead me to be quite confused when it came to filming and making the shot list. I thought I had managed to put the shot list together well on the end but when we got to filming things started to change again and shots were changed while filming. A good example of this being the shot at the end where the theatre is full but we didn't have enough extras to film the seats so we just left the shot out and I said I would work around it. Mistakes like this meant when I was putting the footage together I got about half way through and realised there was about a minute of music video where I didn't know what footage I was going to put in. I briefly got stressed as I knew I did not have time to re shoot but then the idea came to me of having the a small section of the narrative play back in reverse at the end this then helped the narrative to make sense and filled the minuet where I had no footage. In the future I would make sure I make notes of any changes to any part of the project as soon as I can to avoid any confusion.

One new thing that I hadn't done before but I had a go at on this project was colour correction. Due to being colour blind I find working with any sort of colour quite frustrating and at first I was sceptical of trying colour correction. My teacher however insisted I give it a go and helped me through some of the issues I was having. It definitely isn't the best coloured corrected project ever but it was a start and I feel more confident with colour correction going into future projects. On any upcoming projects I will be keeping an eye out and making sure I use colour correction where appropriate.

In conclusion, I developed my understanding of colour correction and learnt the importance of extensive planning as well as broadening my understanding of the uses of effects/transitions.

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