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Music Video Essay: Paragraph 4 and Conclusion


Codes and conventions 500 words 

My 4th and final paragraph I would use to discuss the codes and conventions of what makes a music video. This was probably the hardest paragraph to put together as there is so much to discuss with the codes and conventions and you can also go into things like star theory and social impacts. I wanted to get a little bit of everything into this paragraph so I have discussed the how some artists like to break the conventions of their genre and what those conventions are in order to push the ideas of their created persona. The examples I used were Marilyn Manson and Dua Lipa both have personas that push particular agendas sometimes to positive or negative effects. Talking about Manson also allowed me to discuss shock value a little bit and how some artists purposely cause controversy in order to cause a commotion who in turn gets their music exposure. I originally also had the idea of discussing sexual content in music videos and how videos like blurred lines changed the pop industry. Although I didn't end up talking about this point directly I did get bits about shock value in and how controversy can actually be good for an artist.

Modern metal videos vs modern pop videos

Both have large budgets allowing them to push the boundaries of their conventions

Pop conventions, close ups, over sexualisation of the artist, branding/ selling products, photoshop

Metal videos. shock , pushing against society, horror, gore, controversy, say 10

can represent positive social change, eg: feminism, gay rights

 Conclusion 100 words

I wanted to conclude the essay much like how I started discussing my main point about the purpose of the music video is what defines wether the product is a music video or not and then with a quote which I did.


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