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Music Video Essay: Paragraph 2 and 3


Music video purposes 600words

Paragraph 2 of my essay I decided would be the purposes of music videos and this would be super important to my essay as my main points against the existing theories was that it depends on the purpose that the video was made for. An example of this I found is that music that is made to be in movies/musicals isn't a music video because the purpose of the film wasn't to sell the music but to sell the film. Below is the few points I made before I started writing then researched and expanded on these as I started writing. I also had to include target audience in this paragraph as I didn't have enough of a word limit to give target audience its own paragraph so I tried to tag my research into demographics and psychographics at the end of the purposes as I feel it fits best in this paragraph. I would however have liked to have been able to expand on the target audiences and go on to talk more about synergy and also discuss how there are only three major record labels left that basically make up the entire music industry but I wasn't able to fit those parts in. I did however remember include in my essay how important music videos are nowadays for both unsigned artists (for exposure) and for signed artists (selling their brand).


Modern music videos are made purely to sell songs and are also used as things like                       teasers for new albums that are coming out

They are also used to sell merchandise for example you will see a lot of Kanye West's brand Yeezy in the music videos he produces

synergy , sony distribution arm

Target audience

Demographics and psychographics  

Types of music videos 500 words

My third paragraph I wanted to use to discuss the types of music videos but this is when I started to loose the flow of the essay. I discussed the three types of music videos that there are and gave example videos but it didn't really flow with the rest of the essay and I wanted to bring my essay back to my point of what makes a video a music video. I first off took out my analysis of the bohemian rhapsody music video as I didn't think it flowed with what I as trying to say and I also did this to save words. This allowed me to expand on my analysis of the radiohead song paranoid android as I could talk about the video not heaving any relationship with the songs lyrics but how I still consider it to be a music video.

3 types and examples-

Performative- Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody (Not used)  

narrative- Sam smith- I know I'm not the only one 

Conceptual- Radiohead- Paranoid Android


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