Joshua Schultz directed the music video for the Lindsey Stirling cover of you're a mean on Mr.Grinch. He is a freelance director and photographer and has made another of short films getting him several IMDB credits. He has also made a number of music videos and has worked with artists such as The 1975 and Lindsay Stirling. What I felt inspired by when I first looked at his website was that it felt unfinished but in a good way, like he is at the start of his career. He hasn't worked with loads of artists yet but has a number of really strong videos in his portfolio and you can start to see his repaul growing with certain artists particularly Lindsay Stirling for whom he has already made two music videos for. Seeing people starting to make it in the industry and get noticed gives me hope that I am going in the right direction with this career path. I really like how his website shows off the broad range of work he does from directing to photography and he clearly had a passion for both. I also really like the welcome page of his website where everything is really clearly laid out. I do feel however the rest of his website could do with some work as its quite plain and doesn't really show off his creativity as an artist.
What I liked about his website/work:
Good to see someone starting to break into the industry
Professional welcome page
What I didn't like so much:
Website looks unprofessional in places.
The main thing I take from Joshes work and website is that you have to keep making products to make it industry and that if you keep working at it over time you will get start to get picked up by bigger named artists.