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Color Theory and Costume Research


Updated: Feb 13, 2020

Now that I have some extra time before the shoot I have decided to look into costumes and what sort of clothing would be appropriate for my client. I started by looking at my client and seeing what her usual stage attire is, I found she often wears a lot of green. I then thought about where I could take this and started doing some research into colour theory and the meaning of colours. The connotations of the colour green are that of hope and evokes feelings of positivity from an audience, This makes green a perfect colour for the end of the music video. At the end of the video Sharon is feeling more positive and eventually ends up playing to a full auditorium, I plan to have her have a slight costume change switching to green clothing towards the end of the video. This change in costume also works as foreshadowing as the audience knows the Sharon now has hope and at the end when she plays to a full audience they find out why she has that hope. At the beginning of the music video however Sharon is lacking in hope and confidence and I found out grey is the perfect colour that shows these emotions. Therefore my plan is to have Sharon in grey until she enters the Forest towards the middle of the music video which is where she starts to find hope again. I will also ask if Sharon is willing to wear some grey and then green makeup to enhance my use of colour.

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