After contacting the other two potential locations for our theatre shoot and receiving no reply I have decided to go with our back up plan and use the arts centre a week before the deadline. As I said in my last post the location is perfect and after discussing my options with my teachers they both think I can edit it all together in a week. I have contacted Sharon to confirm this and she agrees, however we realised we were confused as there are two local arts centers and it is in fact the Tacchi-Morris not the arts centre we have booked. The only issue this posed was how was I going to get to there as this arts centre is further out but Sharon as agreed to give me a lift to cover the extra difference. We have also luckily been able to book the arts centre for two sessions meaning I will get another session if one of them doesn't go to plan for any reason which puts my mind at ease. Aside from this location I have also looked into the other locations and Sharon is going to be getting back to me with the times she is available to film the rest of the music video as soon as she can.
Shooting Dates: 17th and 24th February
This location is perfect for the scenes I need to shoot it's an open seated theatre that isn't to big and is fully accessible. The theatre have said the technicians will be on hand to help us out with lights and things and that the staff will be available to help out as extras if needed.
Potential woodland areas
Vivary Park- central to Taunton has quieter woodland areas