Over the past few weeks I have been working hard on the edit of the Michael Eavis Charity event footage. I had a few issues with the edit which mainly stemmed from giving myself an unrealistic deadline, I told the client (Music Expo Uk) that I would have a first edit done within two weeks of the event but this quickly became not do able. The first week I had to edit was spent doing other pre production work as due to Alex being sick and me not having a memory stick/hardrive I was unable to have all the footage in one place. This lead to the footage being in several different locations and it became difficult to manage however once my memory stick arrived I was able to put the footage all on their and have it all in one place. I then only had a week to complete the edit before the deadline. Now that I have my memory stick this shouldn't be much of an issue in the future although I am looking to upgrade to a bigger hardrive in the near future. The deadline issue is something I need to consider as well as the project was much larger than I expected it to be and my standard two weeks to do a first edit just wasn't enough. The deadline issue caused the most problems as I had a four hour gig to work through in a week which meant I didn't have time for much creativity. I was able to make a quick name tag for the bands (see below) but it isn't my best work as I simply didn't have the time to work on it. As well as creativity I had to take my work home and my home laptop wasn't powerful enough which means each edit took way more time than it should have, this was only sorted when I committed to just editing at uni. All these thing meant I was unable to meet the deadline and I had to inform the client of this to which luckily he was understanding.
As well as editing issues the edit showed some errors in my filming work as well. This sort of shoot should really be a three camera shoot but I am unable to get that sort of crew so this mean I have to keep the two cameras I do have rolling all the time. Not keeping cameras rolling meant I missed bits of songs and this made the edit a lot harder than it needed to be. My next shoot is coming up soon and is similar to this gig I will be keeping the cameras rolling almost all of the time only stopping recording after each song to avoid the camera turning off half way through a song as our cameras automatically stop recording after 20 minutes.
The event did have a lot of positives though this was my first live shoot and I have learnt a lot from it. As well as this I also have some good shots that I have added to my showreel (see below).