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Blackout city Showreel (Remastering the Audio)


Updated: Dec 19, 2019

When I started editing as the project is a show reel I wanted to lay down the music first so I could edit to the beat of the tracks. I had to wait for the bassist to email me over the audio from his recording device and due to me not knowing how it worked the settings must have been off and a lot of the audio it captured was distorted. I then took a look at my colleagues mic sound and she had an issue where for some reason her mic just stopped working half way through the set. So it was all really down to my mic sound which luckily was of a good quality, however being that it was a live gig the instruments were a lot louder than the singer in places to the point where it sometimes becomes difficult to hear what she is saying. I spoke to Rob about the issue and we have agreed that my mic audio is the best sound from the night and he is going to take my audio and remaster it to see if it fixes the issue of the instruments being too loud in places at all.

In conclusion thanks to having a number of back up audio capturing options despite one of the mics and the recorder failing we still have audio that will hopefully after being remastered be good enough quality to use in the show reel.

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