Today I had a face to face meeting with my client the event band Blackout City. The meeting was quite brief but it only needed to be short as both parties just wanted to ask some questions and confirm thing like dates and times and budgets etc... The first thing they confirmed is that the event is in fact a Christmas party for slimming world and will take place at the Castle Hotel and that they want a 3-5 minute showreel made. The band are playing between 9 and 10pm and Ideally wanted us to set up when they do before sound check in the afternoon, I however was unsure about leaving my kit at the location for that amount of time. After discussing this though I have decided to go down for sound check which they confirmed as being 2-3pm to do a quick location recce as well as getting as many close ups as I can and also to do a sound test and see which audio recording device is best as well as working out the best location for that device. The plan was then for me and my colleague to go back at 7 to set up properly as this is before the event starts and we wont be in the way. This would however leave us with an hour and a half to two hours with nothing to do so I still need to decide wether I leave my equipment their or wait it out in the evening. The main questions they had for me was what sort of thing am I looking to make and I discussed with them my research and how I felt a three minute showreel was more engaging for a viewer to which they agreed. I also spoke about the types of shots I would be looking to put into the showreel these being close ups of band members faces as well as instruments and how I would have one camera at the back getting a constant wide shot of everything that was going on. I then quickly showed them my showreel that now features my shots from the charity event as well. The last thing we spoke about and confirmed was their budget and we settled on £250 split into £75 on the night so I can pay my colleague and the rest once the project is completed. My next job is to now go and make a shot list.
In conclusion, the first meeting went well and was really positive. Both party’s have been able to ask any questions they need to and now everyone’s ready for the shoot on the 7th December.