I have now finished putting together a Sizzle reel for my client Blackout City who are looking for me to make them a 3-5 minute show reel from the footage I get of their gig on the 7th of December. A sizzle reel is really important in the pre production for a live shoot as I don't have the option of making a storyboard or a script or anything like that as I can't predict what is going to happen on the night of the shoot as I don't have much control of the surroundings. A sizzle reel is one of the few things I can give to my client before the shoot that shows them what I intend for the final product to look like (roughly) it also allows me to see what sort of shots work best and get an idea of the editing rythme which is crucially important for a show reel. My research into event band show reels lead me to a lot of 5 minute show reels which is also what my client has asked for so I originally set out to make a 5 minute sizzle reel. This would however change as when I went back and looked through my research and also as I got deeper into making the sizzle reel I realised that the 5 minute videos use a lot of the same shots and the cuts were becoming less and less. This makes the video and the band feel less fun and entertaining and after 3 minutes as an audience member watching a 5 minute show reel I would be bored. This is why I have made my sizzle reel 3 minutes and I am going to discuss the length of the final porject with the band after showing them this sizzle reel. I want to keep the video choppy and fun with lots of cuts to show off how fun and exciting the band are and to show a potential customer why you should choose Blackout City for your event. I have gone with three songs and kept to only three transtions those being when the audio changes there's a transition as well. I didn't want to use to many transitions as I don't think they look that great if you over use them. Through making this show reel though I have got a much better idea of the sort of shots that work well for this kind of video as well as getting a really good idea of the pacing of the video and I am looking forward to recieving feedback from my client.
Blackout City Sizzle Reel